Schools & Educators
School & Educator Intro
MAM offers programs and resources to introduce educators and teachers to the Museum's collection and special exhibitions and to offer techniques for integrating the study of art into the classroom. The programs and resources are designed to help teachers from all subject areas to find connections with the collections. MAM is a registered provider of NJ State Professional Development Credits, and teacher programs are designed to support curriculum goals.
Teacher pd credits available text
Professional development credits are available to educators for all adult classes offered at MAM.
For Your Classroom
School Tours
Design a tour that will inspire and engage your students. School programs at MAM are aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards adopted in 2020.
Professional Development Workshops
Montclair Art Museum’s educator workshops combine inquiry-based discussion strategies to foster conversations about arts, skill-building and idea-exchange in different artistic media, and thematic engagement across the arts, science, social studies, and ELA curriculum.
Curriculum Resources
Standards-based lesson plans extend student learning about artworks in MAM's collection and make connections between gallery and classroom experiences.
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