Virgil Ortiz Character Cards

The Venutian Soldiers

Virgil Ortiz tells stories through his pottery, photography and fashion, particularly those centered around the events and repercussions of the 1680 Pueblo Revolt. Over the years, he has created Native superheroes in the form of clay, photography, video and film that allow him the freedom to express his personal interpretation of the REVOLT–The First American Revolution. These futuristic herculean superheroes, over eight feet tall, fight mainly at nighttime and possess extraordinary strength and magical powers. 

It is the year 2180.

The Venutian Soldiers from Pueblo 3, Zone 1, join armed forces with fellow comrades; Tahu of the Blind Archers and her twin brother Kootz of the Runners after their Pueblo was destroyed by the first Castillian invasion by way of nuclear weapons of mass destruction. The aftermath was devastating and deadly – a fog of war could be seen from miles away. They are forced to wear gas masks and oxygen tanks around their necks in order to survive.

Their fearless leader Po'Pay, and Translator, Head Commander of the Spirit World Army, quickly came to the aid of Tahu and Kootz, and ordered Ku-Hi of the Trackers and Meecuna of the Wringers to swiftly gather the people of this pueblo and set them forth on their journey to seek new land to inhabit. This made it possible for them to rebuild their ways of tradition and life on ancestral sacred land.

Meet the Venutian Soldiers

Learn about each soldier and find them in their march above. 

Family Activity: After learning about Virgil Ortiz's Venutian Soldiers, create your own hero

an information card about one of Virgil Ortiz's Venutian Soldiers.
an information card about one of Virgil Ortiz's Venutian Soldiers.
an information card about one of Virgil Ortiz's Venutian Soldiers.
an information card about one of Virgil Ortiz's Venutian Soldiers.
an information card about one of Virgil Ortiz's Venutian Soldiers.
an information card about one of Virgil Ortiz's Venutian Soldiers.
an information card about one of Virgil Ortiz's Venutian Soldiers.