School Tours

School Tours
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School programs at MAM are aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards adopted in 2020. By “reading” an artwork and making observations, students interpret, analyze, and make meaning through dialogue, cultivate an appreciation for traditional through contemporary artforms, and make connections to their lived experiences.
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In the studio, students generate, conceptualize, and develop creative ideas, use the foundations of art and their personal experience to make art, and reflect on their work.
Design your experience

In-person tours are available on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. 

In-person KidzArt Tour & Studio (Preschool through Grade 1, 75 minutes): $12.50/student and chaperone

In-person Student Tour & Studio (Grades 2-12, 2 hours): $17.50/student and chaperone

Virtual tours are available on Tuesdays and use 3D imagery of the galleries through the Zoom platform to transport your class to our galleries. Creativity Kits filled with specialized supplies will be mailed to your school in advance. Please note that students will need access to basic supplies such as pencils, scissors, glue, markers, and crayons.

Virtual Tour (45 minutes): $10.50/student and teacher

Virtual KidzArt Tour & Studio with Creativity Kit (Preschool through Grade 1, 60 minutes):  $15/student and teacher

Virtual Student Tour & Studio with Creativity Kit (90 minutes):  $15/student and teacher

SummerArt 2022 Kid Tour Group in MAM's exhibition, "Transformed: Objects Reimagined by American Artists"
What people are saying about Tours
"This was a wonderful experience for my students. Everyone was kind and presented materials clearly with plenty of opportunities for participation."


"Great activity, simple but fun for all talent levels. Wonderful exhibit! Friendly and kind staff!"


"The artwork shown was phenomenal and the docent's knowledge of the work and art history was vast. The studio instructors were kind and helpful. My students enjoyed the overall experience."

Choose a theme for your tour:

Color, Shape & Line (Preschool through grade 1 only)

Calling all museum detectives! Investigate works of art from different times and places to discover how artists utilize the building blocks of art.


Using Your Senses (KidzArt/Preschool through grade 1 only)

Get a unique, multisensory perspective as you experience art through your eyes, ears, and body.


Art is Transformational (All grades)

This tour explores how artists transform materials and objects into unique works of art, and how the exploration and creation of art can be transformational in the lives of people and their communities.


Celebrating Many Voices (All grades)

This tour celebrates the work of established and emerging artists who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color and/or who are in the LGBTQ community. These artists use their art to highlight issues of social justice. Tour discussions will dive into topics such as racism, and challenges faced by Native people and the LGBTQ community.

Facetime: Exploring Portraits  (All grades)

Discover how artists depict people, from yesterday to today, through painting, photography, and in some cases, sculpture. Explore different artistic techniques for conveying likeness, personality, identity, and emotion.


Places & Spaces (All grades)

Discover the many different ways artists play with space, from representational landscapes, to imagined environments, to three-dimensional forms. Compare regional paintings in the newly reinstalled George Inness: Visionary Landscapes exhibition with contemporary spatial strategies for depicting our world.

Please Note

Please make reservations 4 weeks in advance. Your registration for the tour will be confirmed with submission of payment.